
A stressful Monday/Week

Monday, October 10th: Today I went to class which was fine but I decided I really needed to email the Head of the English department at UR about getting my English credit approved. Background: I am taking a class on Shakespeare where we are reading 8 of his plays with in depth discussions. However, in Ireland visiting students are only tested with one grade. Meaning one final or one paper is 100% of your grade. That being said when I asked to get the English credit approved Head of English at UR said it wasn't enough essay writing. For the time being I left it at that but the home students have to do a midterm essay as well as the final essay. So I emailed Richmond Lady asking if I did the midterm essay and had my professor grade it would she accept the credit. I also explained that I am taking two business, a psychology, and history class, and I was planning on taking a fine arts class but there was literally no options unless I was a drama major (haha). So English was my only option here. She finally emailed me back saying that was fine. (She also sends very intense emails...) Then I emailed my Professor at NUI Galway and explained the situation stating that I didn't want it to be put into my final grade I just wanted him to read over it and give it a grade, like a practice essay or rough draft. He then emailed me back explaining that I needed to contact the Head of the English Department at NUI Galway because he didn't know what he could do in this situation. Ugh. So I emailed this lady explaining what was happening. Thankfully she said that it wouldn't be in my final grade but that if he had time he could look over the essay. So I forwarded this to him and he said ok. Thank God! He also said instead of needing it to be done on the 19th it could be given to him by the end of the month.

Tuesday, October 11th: Some of the above emailing happened on Tuesday but whatever. Also on Tuesday we had a guest speaker in my Marketing class which was really cool! The class I'm taking is called Marketing Media Communications and we had the VP Marketing and VP Communications from Medecins sans Frontieres/ Doctors without Boarders (Ireland) come and speak to our class. We were put in groups by our professor (fundraising, volunteering, and guerrilla/viral) of about 6 people per group and our semester long assignment is to create a marketing campaign for Medecins sans Frontieres. At the end of the semester we will present our marketing campaign to the two VPs and if they like one of our ideas they have a budget of 15,000 euros and a two week span in which one of our ads will most likely run during Easter of this year. My group was assigned Guerrilla/Viral marketing and I am really excited. 

Wednesday, October 12th: I didn't have class till 6pm today so I went to the library to read Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello for my essay...fun times!

Thursday, October 13th: Class and library for this essay, woo! Then we decided to go see The Three Musketeers in 3D. It was pretty good, the dialogue was really, really lacking. But the special effects were neat. 

Friday, October 14th: Ummmm I can't remember but I'm gonna go with some more procrastinating and Shakespeare writing? :) 

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