The Lighthouse |
Sunday, October 9th: Today we woke up very early and met up with a group that the International Student Society put together in order to go to the Aran Islands. We met the group at 8:30, even though the bus did not arrive until 9:10 (as per usual in Ireland). Once on the bus (which was a giant, double decker charter bus) we had a long, rainy ride to the docks (about 45minutes). Once at the docks they told us we weren't allowed to board the ferry until 10:30, however it was freezing so luckily they let us on a little early. Then, I passed out and totally fell asleep until about half way through the ferry ride when the boat was tossing and turning. The waves were crazy!!! Now I never ever get sea sick, or any motion sickness for that matter. (I could read a size 9 novel in the back on an off roading bus going 70mph... and probably be just fine :P) however, that was not how everyone else felt. Siel and Elizabeth were dying (I'm talking hood over there eyes, trying not to move their heads, deep breath type shit. Emily and I were fine haha. And the rest of the boat...well they were all kind of dying too (a few people puked...yuck!) I'm not really sure why if you knew you were taking a ferry an 1 and a half to an island and you know you get see sick why a) you would go in the first place or b) why you wouldn't bring meds...whatever! Not my probably as long as no one pukes on or around me (thank God they didn't!).
The walk to the lighthouse (this doesn't do it justice) |
Once on the island, most people rent bikes for the day because the island is only 9 miles long at 3-5 miles wide. However, the wind and rain was insane so Siel, Emily, Elizabeth, and I decided biking probably wasn't a good idea. We decided to get lunch first. We went into the ONLY grocery store on the island and bought sandwiches and chips (crisps) and waters and had a nice little picnic until it started to rain again. We also met some lovely kitties (I gave them some of my chicken and I immediately and two new BFFS). After lunch we went into the sweater shop (which I'm now learning is literally the exact same as every other sweater shop in Ireland). After Emily bought a hat we went outside and realized we really needed to figure out what we were going to do for the next 5-6 hours!
Hanging off the cliffs |
I forgot to mention that when you get off the ferry there are about 20 vans waiting that will drive you around the island and let you see everything you need to see while telling you all about the history and whatnot. (They are vans...but they aren't that sketchy :P) One of these van men came up to us and said that he could should us everything we wanted, let us stop at each stop for as long as we wanted, and get us back with plenty of time to make the ferry, all for 10 euros each. We decided that was much better than walking (and the same price as a bike rental so...we got in the van).
It was great! He narrated the entire tour, told us how you may only live on the island is your family is from there or if you marry into a family that is from there (he was the latter), the island also only has one doctor with 3 nurses and if there is an emergency you must take the ferry, speedboat, or life flight helicopter, and there is only one grocery store for the 800 residents on the island.
Cliffs |
During all this we stopped at the light house (which was the most entertaining hike ever! He told us it was right up the hill and that he'd wait till we got back and it would probably only take us like 20 minutes. Well it didn't take us long to get to the lighthouse, however the path to get there was literally straight uphill and muddy! We all were extremely out of breath and almost fell on our faces multiple times haha). Once at the top we couldn't see much since it was not a clear day but you could climb to the top of the tower which was very high and pretty sketchy. And behind the tower was an old circle fort which was really cool!
Then we went to another circle fort right on the edge on the cliffs and after we looked for seals (but they weren't there) and then he just drove us around talking about the town until it was time to go back.
Cemetery |
Once back on the ferry I fell asleep, but apparently it wasn't as turbulent. Then we took the bus back, walked back to the apartment and basically passed out. Overall, a great day :)
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