Wow I haven't written in about a week! Ok let's see...
Emily, Elizabeth, and me: Picture #1 |
Tuesday, September 13th: I wrote last Wednesday about how one of my marketing classes was way more intense than I thought it was going to be so I dropped it. Well today I went to my first Financial Management class. It is technically I post graduate class but my friend Elizabeth is in it and I was able to get it approved from Richmond. It doesn't seem nearly as bad as I assumed a post grad class would be and basically all the professor did was read this packet of notes that he handed out so I think that class will be just fine. Then I had to wait around for 3 hours before my next class. During that time I watched Hamlet (with Mel Gibson) online because that's what we are reading in my Shakespeare class. Then I went to my Shakespeare class and then I went to my two hour Marketing class. My marketing professor is very big into group activities so I paired with my Irish friend Kiera (who I sit next to in that class but don't know her outside of class) and then we also paired with an Irish boy named Keven. While doing the group work we were talking about brands. For example, we had to think of a category and name the first brand that came to mind. We chose athletic clothing so I said Under Armour and they said Adidas and Nike. Kiera didn't know Under Armour. Then we had to name the top brands in Ireland...I could think of Guinness and some cell phone companies but that was about it, while they thought of milk, bread and soda brands. I am also getting used to the words they use to describe things; like crisps = chips and chips = fries and biscuit = cookie. Its really funny. After class I basically did nothing except stay up later than I wanted to for no reason at all.
Wednesday, September 14th: I was starting to feel sick on Tuesday, just a stuffy nose and potentially a sore throat so I thought it best to rest and watch movies since I didn't have class until 6pm. Then I got up, got ready and went to the most boring class ever which is my Psychology class because the professor literally just reads what she has written on the PowerPoint and doesn't elaborate or anything. It will get more interesting later when we learn about Schizophrenia but currently we are learning about cells and axons and action potential and things I really just don't care about. After class I tried to go to bed early but of course I stay up doing nothing haha.
Thursday, September 15th: Today I had class at 9am (Financial Management I) So Elizabeth and I got up and went to class only to find out that the room the class was supposed to be held in had a class already in it so as an administrator (not our professor because he is brand new to the school) ran around trying to find us a new venue, the class just
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sat around doing nothing for about 5 minutes before our teacher told us to just leave and that he'd try to figure out something for next Thursday. This is now the second time (out of the two times the class has been taught on a Thursday) that I have woke up at 9am only to have the class be cancelled. So, Elizabeth, her friend from college and I went to the library (because neither of them brought their computers) and then later we went and got lunch before our classes at 2pm and 3pm. I then went to my Psychology class again but this time I brought my computer so I typed the Power Point notes (event though it will all be on blackboard) just to give myself something to do. And then I went to my Saints and Sinners history class where the professor literally just talks about nothing and I have no idea where she is going with any of it. Hopefully I'll figure it out eventually. However, I have decided to start recording my classes on my iPhone's voice recorder. I have been recording my Shakespeare classes because I'm afraid I'm going to miss good information ,and my Psychology class because it's so boring I zone out really easily and am probably missing things, and my Saints and Sinners class because I have no idea where she is going with anything and she bounces from topic to topic so often that I can barely keep up so hopefully having the classes recorded will come in handy later. After class (since I don't have class on Fridays) Elizabeth, Emily and I decided to go out to a bar. We left around 11 and went to a bar called The Kings Head. They had local live Irish music and it was really fun just to hang out.
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I also found a drink I like that is not hard alcohol (which is all I drink at Richmond) and is not wine (which is all I've been drinking here); I like a hard cider called Bulmers (which unfortunately I don't think they distribute to the U.S.). They also make a Berry Bulmers which is really good and very sweet which I like. Later, after the Kings Head and before we went back to the apartment we stopped to get food. Everyone in Ireland likes to go to a place called SuperMacs after the clubs and pubs (kind of how in America everyone goes to Taco Bell...except me, gross.) But we definitely did not want to go there so instead we went to a Turkish fast food place that literally had everything. Emily got a lamb pita thing and I got fried chicken hahaha it was delicious!
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