Thursday, September 22nd: Today I had class at 9am (Finance) in which one brave student asked the professor if we could change the date of our first test to Tuesday the 4th instead of the 27th. Thank God he said yes!! Now, while my parents are here I have to go to my Finance classes (to learn for the test) and my Marketing class; but now I don't have a test while they are here and this means I only have class on Tuesday and one hour on Thursday while they are here! YAY!
After class Elizabeth and I both had appointments with Irish Immigration to get our Irish Identification cards (because in Ireland you don't need a Visa so instead you register with the country once you get here). We knew they Immigration office was hard to find so we left after our 9-10am class even though our appointments weren't till 12 and 12:10pm (but they also said you could come early). We found the general area but the actual office was almost impossible to find, mainly due to the fact that the two business the University told us the office was in between were both closed down and out of business so they essentially didn't exist. However, once we found it, it was a breeze and they asked us some random questions, looked at all our paperwork, took our picture, and gave us our cards.
Next I had to go to two more classes that were pretty boring and then I went back to the apartment to relax before we were celebrating Arthur Guinness Day.
Not actually my picture, nor was I there. But this was taken in Galway today. |
Emily, Elizabeth, Tonya and I all went out in order to celebrate. We began with The King's Head because it has become our go to pub; in my opinion it looks the most Irish and the drinks are cheaper than other bars. We hung out there for a while before venturing to another spot. We tried The Front Door but it was insanely packed so we went to went to a different place that I didn't catch the name of. The streets and all the bars were absolutely insane due to the holiday (even though they only started the holiday 3 years ago). In the end we ended up back at The King's Head to finish out the night before heading to our new Thursday tradition: Turkish Thursdays. Last Thursday we found a fast food type place that is technically Turkish and serves everything from lamb pitas to cheese fries to fried chicken to fish and chips. We have no made it our tradition to go out every Thursday and make sure we ended the night with Turkish Thursday. Overall a great night. Cheers to Arthur!
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