The NUI Galway on campus College Bar |
Thursday, September 1st: Of the 10 (now 11) countries and the many time zones I have flown in and out of I have never experienced jet lag. Usually, I get to a country take a quick nap if needed and then go about my day or night as though I have lived in that time zone my whole life. Well apparently that was not going to work for me in Ireland. I woke up this morning, late because for some bizarre reason my local phone was off by an hour and some minutes, as I rushed to get ready (we had orientation at 9:30am) I realized that not only was I tired but I had a pounding head ache. Not a normal occurrence for me. Then I went to 4 hours of the most boring, inefficient orientation ever where they talked about clubs, societies, things to do around campus, language courses, and a tutorial on blackboard...ugh. Once that was over we received our student ID cards and we walked back to our apartment. Once back I had some cereal (that a nice apartment mate let me have because I had yet to buy groceries) and then we went to Dunnes or "Target" as I like to call it. There I finally got groceries and more hangers and then we came back to the apartment. I then proceeded to read my book which turned into a two hour nap which I obviously needed. However, when I woke up even after drinking a lot of water I still had the head ache. So I ate dinner and my apartment and I went out to karaoke night at the college bar. Even though we didn't get on stage and sing it was a blast! I had no idea I knew all the words to Like a Pray and I loved singing Spice Girls and The Backstreet Boys! Even though we are in Ireland all the music is very American. Some poor souls even tried to sing the Macarana...It didn't end well but at least everyone was dancing. Overall it was really fun and even getting soaked while walking back to our apartment in the rain was fun (but I was smart and brought my rain coat!) Well, the headache as subdued a little but its still here so I am off to bed now. Good night!
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