Saturday, September 24th: Today I woke up, got ready and then needed to clean, buy groceries and do laundry. The first two were fairly easy. I put some things away straightened up, and everything was pretty much cleaned. Then I went to Dunnes; our giant grocery store/target. Now, every time I have been to Dunnes when I buy alcohol I have been carded (even though the legal age here is 18...and I do not look 17!) But that's fine. So when going to check out my friends and I try to avoid the older, miserable looking female cashiers because they tend to always card you and are kind of a pain in the ass. Instead, I found a male cashier who looked in his earlier 20's. I knew he'd probably still card be but he probably wouldn't stare at the ID forever. WOW, was I wrong.... He asked for my ID so I gave him my brand new Ireland ID from immigration; he gave it a very, very confused look so I offered him the copy of my passport. He then checked all the information on the two IDs with each other (I gave him the passport to check my birthday not to compare to see if I had faked the damn immigration ID). Finally, after he studied my IDs he gave them back to me and rung up the rest of my groceries. Then when I went to pay with my credit card he a) didn't know he needed to swipe it and then b) asked for my ID AGAIN! So this time I only gave him the copy of my passport and he studied the credit card information with my passport again! Then when he gave me the receipt to sign he kept my ID and card and then compared all three signatures. Like Jesus Christ dude all I'm trying to do is buy some hard cider, pasta, and milk. Give me a f***ing break!!
Needless to say I got out of there pretty fast! Then I had to do laundry. Which was another big hassle. I had to put my clothes in two different washers because literally I'm not sure I could fit my head in one they are so small...yet I could probably fit in the dryer its so big...stupid. Anyway, and because I didn't want to shrink or hurt my clothes I put it on 30 degrees meaning delicate (that's what I wash my clothes at home in). Well turns out, delicate means they soak your clothes in soapy water for 30 minutes and then just spin them really really really fast to get all the water out. So dumb, and didn't really clean my clothes...just made them smell like soap. So I said, screw this and took all my wet clothes to my room and hand washed anything that needed to be hand washed in my sink and then hung everything up in various places around my bathroom and turned on the bathroom heater. I'm leaving it like that over night...wish me luck that everything is dry!
Well that was basically my day....and now I am getting excited because MOM AND SCOTTY COME TOMORROW!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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